"Loves makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston
Built to impress means built to love. You can risk looking like a kiss ass to anyone who just doesn't understand. When we're kids we're taught by our peers that trying to impress the teacher is something the losers do. What we don't realize is what we're losing by framing those people as losers. They say love is about taking risks but the greatest risk is whether or not your character and ideas will be accepted or not. The risk is to speak the truth and hope that others will recognize it. Sometimes we say how unwilling we are to take risks, but the sheer act of being open enough to express something that you may have a deficiency about is risky. Therefore, love is paradoxical. I love you without knowing the real you (if you're projecting your own love on them). I love you even though I know everything about you (I recognize the bad parts of everyone and everything enough to be able to reconcile). I will take the chance here to say that love can be found almost anywhere. Especially even when you're down and out.
Love as an evolutionary phenomena. This is why it makes you crawl out from your hiding place. Plato's Cave. The reason we leave is out of love. We describe love without knowing what were doing by saying "you must." "You must leave the cave for the good of your soul." For those in love there's no other option, which is why life becomes unbearable without it. Your actions in love are reinforced by a strength of will which is impossible without love. When you accomplish something it is best when inspired by love. Love of what you're doing is the only thing that allows you to do something great. The nature of love means that others probably love what you're doing and really appreciate your accomplishment.
Love as primal unity. "Love conquers all." If you let it. Why don't we go look at the stars tonight and see what they tell us? Or, for that matter, we can climb the hill and overlook L.A. How romantic. What feels so strange? I say, its the fact that we can only see one thing other than the void. The universe is made of the same thing reproduced in different coordinates. Look at the contrast! White/Black. Light/Ether. Energy/Space. If aliens are trying to communicate with us were missing it because it seems to be regular light waves. Ohm is a code. Language is a code. "The message is the medium." The point here is that at a certain distance, everything melts together. It is when everything melts together that we see love. It is like metal getting melted down into its core elements. Love is pure, love is core, love is unity. Think of your soul melting away and the only thing that remains is the pure energy of your love. If you can do this you will realize the unity that is a part of our universe. If everyone has the potential for this experience, then what keeps people from love?
Love as going wrong. Love goes wrong when you don't carry it with you through and through everything you do. Sometimes people find love and what pulls them away from it is temptation. Let's say that you have found the magnitude of love's universality, the temptation is to start to simplify. You see the inner workings of love and your perception and it suddenly becomes extremely tempting to extend love where it does not belong. Love gets in the cracks and permeates everything, our mind does not. So when our mind experiences love its tries to shortcut by using a false assumption. This quite ironic, as it is the universality of love that gets recognized and then immediately humanized. In this case, we need to recognize that aspects of love that transcend our consciousness. Love is a useful tool for consciousness, but it also brings out the limitations of consciousness. "That does it." Can mean many different things...
One might wonder whether love is the only thing which makes your soul crawl out of its hiding place. I wouldn't deny that. If that were true then all of the bold friends I love so much know what I am talking about and how I feel about them.
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