Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Mission Statement

My intentions for this blog I guess run from writing poety to improving my writing to commenting on social issues or whatever I find interesting in life and the web. Hopefully the "positives" I take from this experience will be beyond the scope I intented or initially put out. Hopefully I continue to update this not with quantity but quality, and over a long period of time. It's like the idea of a time capsule, it's a refinement of memory. This is something I'm a bit obsessive about, being able to integrate my ideas from the past without too much hassle of absolute rebirth. For two reasons this blog is a very selfish act: firstly, it is mostly for me to remember my past thoughts (like a journal) than it is to get readers and acceptance, and, secondly, I have not read very many blogs so I don't really know what should or shouldn't be around (i'll be like an idiot savant of sorts, a pure and untainted mind (as much as possible in this modern age of busy streets)). I might write about dreams I have, but those are pretty personal, I dunno...trying to strike a balance about how much personal information I'd like to share...which has implications for how successful the blog is going to be yes, but it's really something which is taken entry by entry rather than have some rules I have to abide by. I sorta hate the idea of a mission statement, but it seems so necessary? I will end with a question: has anyone ever analyzed the rhetoric of their own speech/text?...and a promise: I will analyze the potential biases of my own blog at some point....

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